This Week’s Recovery Application Challenge
If you haven’t already, please refer to this week’s TWIRL activity.
Sarah Kelly titled her album, “Where the Past Meets Today”. This is where we need to mean business in our recovery. More often then not we allow our past to paint our today in all of those dark colors that allow our wounded history to determine how we think and behave today. Our attitudes are driven by the pain and struggle of our personal history impacting every aspect of how we think and behave. Even our perception of God is colored by the experiences of our past.
How is this true of you?
What are the expectations that you are living up to today?
Are they realistic? Why, or why not?
How does not meeting present day expectations impact your life?
How does your continuing battle with unrealistic expectations affect you?
What expectations past and present have you put on yourself?
Of your self-expectations, which are realistic?
Of your self-expectations, which are unrealistic?
How have unrealistic self-expectations impacted your life?
What do you think needs to happen to reverse the trend and impact of unrealistic expectations you have for yourself?
What can you do to rearrange how you think?
What can you do to get to know God who knows you and loves you?
How confident are you that God can heal your past in order to rearrange how you think today?
What do you think God’s expectations are for you?
Please pray that:
- God will reveal Himself to you in the person of Jesus Christ
- You can have a better deeper understanding of God’s love and forgiveness
- You can and will have daily conversation with Christ
- You will experience healing from the past
- You will embrace God’s loving expectation to be in active relationship with you
- You will come to trust God as you come to know Him