© 2012-2025
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Unveiling Truth
- 1430924Total reads since 2012:
Hopeless to Healed
Sympathetic Savior
Believe It or Not
- “Who Touched Me?” (Life-Changing Encounters with God)
- Do You Want God’s Best or Is Yours Best Enough?
- If God Didn’t Always Exist, What Did? (It takes even more faith to be an atheist!)
- The Empty Cross (40 hours no one talks about)
- This Happened! (An Extraordinary, Unforgettable Encounter)
- What Really is Baptism into Relationship with God?
- What Really Is Relationship with God? (Married into the Family)
- What Then Shall We Say In Response to These Things?
- Where is God when Evil Storms into My Life?
- Who Really Am I In Christ? (Unveiling the Marvelous Mystery)
Thoughts, Feelings & Behavior
- A Man After God's Own Heart: David's Story of Addiction, Repentance, Relapse, Redemption & Restoration
- Addicted to Me (Barack Obama: "I was so obsessed with me…")
- Are You Under the Influence?
- Caged by Shame (Redemptive Healing)
- Criminal Mind: Restored to Innocence
- Depression Obsession (Finding the Right Road to Freedom)
- Do the Math! (Measuring the Value of What You Want Most)
- DUI: Desire Under the Influence
- Guilt & Shame, Scabs & Scars (Recovery from Your Past)
- I Hate Myself… or Do I? (Restoring Self-Esteem)
- Mind Games (What Gives?)
- Mourning Sickness… From Resistant to Repentant
- Neurochemical Warfare: Moral Sabotage
- Overcome F.E.A.R. (Failed Expectations Affecting Reality)
- Recovering Lost Things (From Fear to Faith)
- Scratch the Itch
- Solving the Mystery of the Human Condition
- Stuck in the Heartache of Deferred Hope
- Tastes Good, Does It? What's In It? (Stages of Repentance)
- Baptized into the Harvest of New Life
- Because I’m Worth It! (Worthy of His Best & The Rest)
- BRAINWASHED into Something Beautiful… New Life!
- Dying Into New Life: The Reason We’re Born… Again
- Faithful and Just to Forgive (Completed in Love to Love Completely)
- Hopeless to Healed… Pain to Purpose
- It’s Simply a Matter of Time
- Modeling Grace
- New Age Living (and oh by the way, your feet stink)
- One Thing You Lack: Finding the Joy in Giving (until it hurts a little)
- Solving the Mystery of the Human Condition
- The Good, the Bad, and the… Hey! What's that Monkey on my Back?
- The Pursuit of Happiness: A Bipolar Experience
- Under My Skin (when the answer is “NO” in the Age of Grace)
- Waging the War Within (Why Seek the Living Among the Dead?)
- What About You? Will You Also Leave Me?
Applied Recovery
- And Justice for All… When Love Isn't Fair (Recovery from Entitlement)
- Come to Your Senses (Restorative Recovery)
- Do the Math! (Measuring the Value of What You Want Most)
- Do the Math! (The Application of Rational Principles)
- Find Rest for Your Soul Tethered to Jesus
- Freedom Fighters (Setting Families Free)
- If I was Granted Three Wishes
- Letting Go: The Isaac Principle
- Listen with LUV … It's Not About the Nail
- Pop Goes the Weasel… Managing Conflict, Anger, & Resentment
- Power of the Least Interested Party (Recovery from the "Need" to be Right & in Control)
- Root Dug Deep That Thorny Weed (Resentment Recovery)
- Solving the Mystery of the Human Condition
- Step by Step… One Day at a Time (A 12-Step Study)
- Surrender It All or Surrender At All? (What’s In Your Camel?)
- When the Levee Breaks (Restoring Trust)
Revolutionary Faith
- “Who Touched Me?” (Life-Changing Encounters with God)
- Doubt in the Madness of the Perfect Storm
- Heaven, Hell, 3-Foot Forks, and My Problem with Hank
- If I Only Knew Then What I Know Now
- Justified… Just if I'd Never Needed a Root Canal
- Measured Faith (Belief Enough?)
- Mustard-Seed Faith: What’s so moving about that mountain, anyway?
- Open Sesame… The Way Out is the Way In
- Revolutionary Transformation (Evidence for Faith)
- Stock Exchange: Sound Investment Strategy
- Strike It Rich… Oil that Is!
- The Problem of Pain… A Study of the Father's Discipline
- Thirsty? (Never Thirst Again!)
- Trapped in a Life on Fire! (and still playing with matches)
- Walk on Water Lately? (“Faith is an ocean you can walk on”)
- What Is Your Ten-Thousand Year Plan? (When the time of perfection comes)
- Whoosh! (A Testimony of Divine Intervention)
- "Do I Know You?" (Beware of Dogs)
- Are You Numb to the Glory? (Beware of Complacency)
- I Can "Manage" Just Fine (Beware of Illusions)
- My Way or the High Way (Beware of the Idol)
- Romancing the Stone (Beware of What You Worship)
- To Believe or Not Believe? (Beware of Cynics Preying on Faith)
- Who is Born Again? – "Secret password, please…" (Beware of Self-righteousness)
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Tastes Good, Does It? What’s In It? (Stages of Repentance)
by Steven Gledhill for FREEdom from MEdom Project Oh, taste and see that the Lord is good; Blessed is the man who trusts in Him! Psalm 34:8-10 Most of my life experiences include things that on their own are not good for … Continue reading