Steven’s Resume

“Steven Gledhill has proven to be effective at both educating clients on the process of recovery and developing therapeutic relationships. His commitment to those he works with is unmatched and it is without reservation that I recommend him.”  —Scott Hendrickson, President, Heritage Counseling Center

Skills & Qualifications

  • More than 25 years of experience building therapeutic relationships as central to best outcomes for clients
  • Nearly 5 years of supervisory experience, hiring, training and evaluating counseling professionals
  • Clients/patients served includes MISA adults, psychiatric youth and adults, incarcerated males, families
  • Proficient in evidence-based CBT therapy models: REBT, DBT, reality therapy, motivational interviewing, brief-solution-focused therapy
  • Developed educational strategies for the most effective application of the 12-step therapy model
  • Developed curriculum to mental health symptoms (anxiety, depression, suicidal tendencies), substance use disorders, aggressive behaviors, communication dysfunction, learn realistic and effective coping strategies, and improve problem-solving skills
  • Developed and directed policy and procedure for DASA-licensed IOP program at Heritage Counseling Center
  • Published free online support resources for hurting people in need of healing and recovery
  • More than 10 years volunteer history working with adolescents and adults at my local church

Therapeutic Approaches

  • Cognitive Behavioral Therapy (CBT)
  • Rational Emotive Behavioral Therapy (REBT)
  • Dialectical Behavioral Therapy (DBT)
  • Motivational Interviewing
  • Reality Therapy
  • Twelve-Step Recovery Model
  • Brief Solution-Focused Therapy Model

Clinical Experience/Employment History

Senior Substance Use Counselor  February 2022 – Present

Abraxas Woodridge Interventions, Woodridge, IL

  • Develop rapport with clients to engage and motivate them during the admission process, identifying treatment as an autonomous step towards improving their well-being and quality of life
  • Coordinate admission of prospective clients into treatment interviewing them to obtain relevant information by completing comprehensive assessments and preparing individualized treatment plans
  • Contact insurance carriers to determine eligibility for insurance coverage or to obtain medical assistance
  • Complete continuing care reviews with clients to update treatment plans according to their progress and continued treatment needs
  • Provide individual therapy and facilitate therapy groups from diverse ethnic, cultural, and criminal backgrounds, addressing and challenging core beliefs and ambivalence about recovery
  • Implement the best of evidence based cognitive-behavioral approaches such as motivational interviewing, rational-emotive-behavioral therapy, reality therapy, and 12-step strategies
  • Help clients develop relationship-building, communication, anger management, and conflict resolution strategies, and additional coping skills necessary to manage life stressors while abstaining from substance use
  • Help clients to manage life stressors that would likely trigger relapse to rationally challenge justifications to use
  • Support clients in recognizing cognitive dissonance when considering core values and how self-medicating with substance use and other adverse self-soothing behaviors contradict core values, distancing clients from what they value most
  • Support clients in confronting their ambivalence between what they want most in a quality way of life and settling for so much less that proves to be overwhelming disappointment
  • Educate clients concerning the paradigm of reciprocating giving and receiving as a primary ingredient for disarming elements of conflict and tension with the potential for joy in relationships

Mental Health Counselor  November 2015 – February 2022

Ascension Mercy Medical Center, Aurora, IL

  • Provide individual and group therapy to children and adolescents, preadolescent and adult patients in behavioral health services
  • Help patients to recognize the distinction between feeling hopeless and feeling helpless so that they can experience genuine hope in their helplessness; that help for recovery into quality of life is possible and available to them
  • Help patients to process experiences to better navigate their way through debilitating dysfunction
  • Help patients to develop realistic, applicable coping strategies needed to manage to recognize and effectively manage stressors that trigger self-harm and suicidal ideation
  • Developed and implemented curriculum for our mentally ill substance abuse (MISA) patients
  • Facilitate substance abuse group therapy and education and assist with assessing adults for services
  • Educate MISA patients re: the risks of remedying depressive and other MI symptoms using alcohol and drugs
  • Coordinate evidence-based treatment strategies with psychiatric clinical team to ensure best practice for patients

CADC/Substance Abuse Counselor  June 2011 – October 2015

WestCare Foundation, Sheridan, IL

  • Substance abuse treatment at the medium-security Sheridan Correctional Center
  • Provide individual therapy and facilitate therapy groups from diverse ethnic, cultural, and criminal backgrounds, addressing and challenging core beliefs and ambivalence about recovery
  • Utilize the best of evidence based cognitive-behavioral approaches such as motivational interviewing, rational-emotive-behavioral therapy, reality therapy, and 12-step strategies
  • Help clients develop relationship-building, communication, anger and conflict management, and coping skills necessary to resolve issues of deep distrust and abandonment
  • Help clients to manage life stressors that would likely trigger relapse to rationally challenge justifications to use
  • Help clients to shift their paradigm in terms of how they value freedom when they have it in the same way they value their freedom while incarcerated
  • Help client to establish cognitive dissonance between root core values and criminal behavior
  • Help client to reframe priorities according to values related to family and community

“It’s great to finally have an opportunity to reach out to you and personally thank you for your assistance and guidance in my spiritual recovery program. The lessons you shared are a treasure that I share with others today. I am eternally grateful… It’s people like you that make it possible for people like me to look deep within and change the mindset to productivity instead of destruction.” —Lesley M.

CADC/DUI Risk Education Evaluator & Counselor  January 2011 – June 2011

Advocate Counseling Center, Westchester, IL  

  • Assess individuals to determine level of care and treatment plan to ensure best practice
  • Facilitate counseling groups to help individuals to think differently about the behavior that has caused or made worse problems for them, providing the tools for effective decision-making and healthy behavior
  • Conduct Risk Education classes required by the Illinois Secretary of State to restore driving privileges
  • Perform DUI Evaluations and Uniform Reports according to DHS specifications

Director/Addiction & Recovery Therapist  November 2004 – May 2010

Heritage Counseling Center (HCC), Plainfield, IL   

  • Provided individual, family, and group therapy sessions for people in need of authentic recovery proven to work
  • Engaged dual-diagnosed clients into the process of recovery to manage behavioral health issues
  • Integrated the best of cognitive-behavioral, rational-emotive-behavioral, motivational interviewing, and 12-step strategies to best ensure effective and productive therapeutic outcomes
  • Performed public speaking engagements (Seeking Freedom from Addiction; Recovery for Blended Families)
  • Established HCC’s policies and procedures for IOP substance use disorder treatment to meet and exceed DHS criteria for DASA licensure.
  • Developed HCC’s IOP Treatment Curriculum

“Without the guidance this program gave me, who knows where I would be today. Today, I am happily living out my life. This program laid a foundation that I neglected to build growing up. It gave me real direction and the resources to make clean decisions. My life is in no way perfect. Life still has its problems, but I now can rationally work my way through them.” —Edward S.

Substance Abuse/Crisis Intervention (CIS) Counselor; Case Manager  2001 – 2004

Association for Individual Development (AID), Aurora, IL   

  • Assessed and treated MISA clients individually and in groups utilizing evidence-based recovery strategies
  • Screened and treated adults and children in crisis, usually in emergency room settings, and usually dealing with the issue of suicide intervention and prevention
  • CIS involved screening for psychiatric inpatient admissions, consulting with psychiatrists, to maintain a 31% hospitalization rate; 69% scheduled for outpatient care, while contracting for safety and support
  • Provided substance abuse counseling and case management for adults with severe mental illness

Employment Services Coordinator  1997 – 2001

Association for Individual Development (AID), Aurora, IL  

  • Managed AID’s Aurora Employment Services for adults with developmental and behavioral health disabilities
  • Recruited, hired, trained and evaluated professional staff
  • Facilitated team-building and training sessions to identify strengths and build stronger relationships
  • Developed and implemented new position to more effectively market job training program to area businesses
  • Met or exceeded DHS contract expectations each year to ensure matching or increased funding


  • Bachelor of Arts, Psychology, Judson University, Elgin, IL
  • Certified Alcohol and Drug Counselor (CADC), ICB #24197 (Active)

2 Responses to Steven’s Resume

  1. Hi Steven,

    My name is Joachim, I’m a grateful recovering addict, clean and sober now for more than 39 years, living in Germany and often staying in Israel. I came to believe in Yeshua in March 1989 through working the 12 Steps in AA, NA. Thanks to the 12 steps of AA, NA, and SA, and “Every Man’s Battle” from New Life Ministries in the USA.

    It’s been quite a while since God showed me His Love for Israel and put this Love also in my heart. In November 2016, I received a special calling for Israel from a German Nun during a prayer time. This calling was completed by God in detail in January 2022, during a “Every Man’s Battle” Workshop in Washington DC.

    I’m already in the process of preparing for founding and establishing a 12-Step Group Network in Israel and my be also in the UK, called “FREE IN DEED ANONYMOUS”, 12 Steps and 12 Traditions, in close reference to the origins of AA, when the influence of the Oxford Movement, still played a central role.

    In searching for more resources of recovery according to scripture, I found your website with a big treasure of biblical recovery resources.

    I like a lot your definition of real spirituality, based on a personal relationship with Yeshua, in comparison to human efforts to please God, to make it short.

    I’m asking for permission to quote from your website, to make a link to testimonies or articles, posted on your website.

    Or maybe you like the idea to support recovery and the messianic community, people from other 12 Step Organizations?

    I’m always open to learning and talking with each other, maybe in a video call?

    I would be very happy to receive feedback, Blessings, Shalom, Joachim

    • Thank you, Joachim, for the kind words along with the sharing of your testimony. You have permission to print and post whatever you would like. What scripture has to say about addiction to self and sin, and then doing a deep dive into the practical reality of transformative recovery is far beyond what most would think to be the case. The home page is long but it speaks to what runs through what I have posted throughout FREEdom from MEdom Project. Thank you for leaving your feedback.

      It is a challenge to know how people are being affected. Since 2012, I’ve been able to track countries where people are seeing this site. Less than half are from the U.S. More than 144,000 reads from China. 67,000 from France. Ukraine and Russia combine for almost 50,000 views. Germany almost 27,000 views, and more than 22,000 from the UK. More than 8,000 views from Israel, and even some 1500 from Iran over these past 10 years. I do not want FREEdom from MEdom littered with ads so I have not monetized the site. It is free uncluttered truth concerning the problem of addiction and the gospel of recovery.

      I too would be open to communicating. We are, of course, in different time zones and would have to work out the logistics of that.

      May Yeshua continue to bless you in your recovery and ministry to others in faith-centered recovery and/or in need of it.


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