Mission Statement

THE MISSION of Freedom From ‘Me’dom Project is to provide individuals and families with the tools, resources, and interactive support to promote, inspire, and facilitate authentic recovery–recovery that actually works. The road to freedom in this life is broken down, filled with obstacles, and in desperate need of repair. FFMP is the mechanism to clear away the obstacles and reconstruct the road empowered by the One with the authority and resources to get it done.

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One Response to Mission Statement

  1. Our Ministry Details :

    Dear Brother in Christ.

    I greet you all in the most wonderful name of our lord, master and savior Jesus Christ, the Son of the living God and our soon coming King. We are so overwhelmed by the mighty love and care that the God of heaven has shed and is constantly shedding on our lives and ministries. It is my privilege to write you through this email, I have visit your web site online, May God bless you richly.

    I would like to introduced you to our work in the Lord. Our church is working in Pakistan, is evangelical, and we are committed to showing God’s love in practical ways by addressing the physical and spiritual needs of the poor and needy in our country. Our Focus: – evangelical meetings, pastoral care, conferences and trainings, crusades, Vulnerable children, youth, clothes and food program, community self-development programs. To know more about us please visit us at http://www.ggapk.org.

    As Founder and Chairman, I would like to extend an invitation to work together for His Kingdom. We can work together to make difference in the lives of most hurt people in Pakistan and all the world. May the Lord bear much fruit through your ministry and the testimony of Jesus.

    I am looking forward to hearing from you.
    Yours depending on Jesus,
    Pastor Irfan Dean
    Glory Gospel Assemblies of Pakistan
    Address:- Pastor Irfan Dean:

    Website: – http://www.ggapk.org /www.rwtpk.org
    Cell: – +92-300-2112253

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