© 2012-2024
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Unveiling Truth
- 1405972Total reads since 2012:
Hopeless to Healed
Sympathetic Savior
Believe It or Not
- “Who Touched Me?” (Life-Changing Encounters with God)
- Do You Want God’s Best or Is Yours Best Enough?
- If God Didn’t Always Exist, What Did? (It takes even more faith to be an atheist!)
- The Empty Cross (40 hours no one talks about)
- This Happened! (An Extraordinary, Unforgettable Encounter)
- What Really is Baptism into Relationship with God?
- What Really Is Relationship with God? (Married into the Family)
- What Then Shall We Say In Response to These Things?
- Where is God when Evil Storms into My Life?
- Who Really Am I In Christ? (Unveiling the Marvelous Mystery)
Thoughts, Feelings & Behavior
- A Man After God's Own Heart: David's Story of Addiction, Repentance, Relapse, Redemption & Restoration
- Addicted to Me (Barack Obama: "I was so obsessed with me…")
- Are You Under the Influence?
- Caged by Shame (Redemptive Healing)
- Criminal Mind: Restored to Innocence
- Depression Obsession (Finding the Right Road to Freedom)
- Do the Math! (Measuring the Value of What You Want Most)
- DUI: Desire Under the Influence
- Guilt & Shame, Scabs & Scars (Recovery from Your Past)
- I Hate Myself… or Do I? (Restoring Self-Esteem)
- Mind Games (What Gives?)
- Mourning Sickness… From Resistant to Repentant
- Neurochemical Warfare: Moral Sabotage
- Overcome F.E.A.R. (Failed Expectations Affecting Reality)
- Recovering Lost Things (From Fear to Faith)
- Scratch the Itch
- Solving the Mystery of the Human Condition
- Stuck in the Heartache of Deferred Hope
- Tastes Good, Does It? What's In It? (Stages of Repentance)
- Baptized into the Harvest of New Life
- Because I’m Worth It! (Worthy of His Best & The Rest)
- BRAINWASHED into Something Beautiful… New Life!
- Dying Into New Life: The Reason We’re Born… Again
- Faithful and Just to Forgive (Completed in Love to Love Completely)
- Hopeless to Healed… Pain to Peace
- It’s Simply a Matter of Time
- Modeling Grace
- New Age Living (and oh by the way, your feet stink)
- One Thing You Lack: Finding the Joy in Giving (until it hurts a little)
- Solving the Mystery of the Human Condition
- The Good, the Bad, and the… Hey! What's that Monkey on my Back?
- The Pursuit of Happiness: A Bipolar Experience
- Under My Skin (when the answer is “NO” in the Age of Grace)
- Waging the War Within (Why Seek the Living Among the Dead?)
- What About You? Will You Also Leave Me?
Applied Recovery
- And Justice for All… When Love Isn't Fair (Recovery from Entitlement)
- Come to Your Senses (Restorative Recovery)
- Do the Math! (Measuring the Value of What You Want Most)
- Do the Math! (The Application of Rational Principles)
- Find Rest for Your Soul Tethered to Jesus
- Freedom Fighters (Setting Families Free)
- If I was Granted Three Wishes
- Letting Go: The Isaac Principle
- Listen with LUV … It's Not About the Nail
- Pop Goes the Weasel… Managing Conflict, Anger, & Resentment
- Power of the Least Interested Party (Recovery from the "Need" to be Right & in Control)
- Root Dug Deep That Thorny Weed (Resentment Recovery)
- Solving the Mystery of the Human Condition
- Step by Step… One Day at a Time (A 12-Step Study)
- Surrender It All or Surrender At All? (What’s In Your Camel?)
- When the Levee Breaks (Restoring Trust)
Revolutionary Faith
- “Who Touched Me?” (Life-Changing Encounters with God)
- Doubt in the Madness of the Perfect Storm
- Heaven, Hell, 3-Foot Forks, and My Problem with Hank
- If I Only Knew Then What I Know Now
- Justified… Just if I'd Never Needed a Root Canal
- Measured Faith (Belief Enough?)
- Mustard-Seed Faith: What’s so moving about that mountain, anyway?
- Open Sesame… The Way Out is the Way In
- Revolutionary Transformation (Evidence for Faith)
- Stock Exchange: Sound Investment Strategy
- Strike It Rich… Oil that Is!
- The Problem of Pain… A Study of the Father's Discipline
- Thirsty? (Never Thirst Again!)
- Trapped in a Life on Fire! (and still playing with matches)
- Walk on Water Lately? (“Faith is an ocean you can walk on”)
- What Is Your Ten-Thousand Year Plan? (When the time of perfection comes)
- Whoosh! (A Testimony of Divine Intervention)
- "Do I Know You?" (Beware of Dogs)
- Are You Numb to the Glory? (Beware of Complacency)
- I Can "Manage" Just Fine (Beware of Illusions)
- My Way or the High Way (Beware of the Idol)
- Romancing the Stone (Beware of What You Worship)
- To Believe or Not Believe? (Beware of Cynics Preying on Faith)
- Who is Born Again? – "Secret password, please…" (Beware of Self-righteousness)
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Category Archives: BELIEVE: Accept and believe that God is in Control
Seeing Clearly with the Son in Your Eyes
“We don’t always see things as they are, we see them as we are.” —ancient proverb (public domain) The first of the Twelve Steps is to admit that we are powerless and that our lives on our own are unmanageable. … Continue reading
Find Rest for Your Soul Tethered to Jesus
by Steven Gledhill for FREEdom from MEdom Project Are you feeling a sense of unrest burdened by hardship? Are you tangled up in circumstances and relationships where you’re doing all of the heavy lifting? Do you feel you are going … Continue reading
Posted in BELIEVE: Accept and believe that God is in Control
Tagged anxiety and stress, define and describe trauma, define describe discouragement, define disappointment, describe and define depression and despair, describe the yoke in Matthew 11:28-30, desrcibe how trauma is associated with shame, discouraged, failed expectations, find rest for your soul, getting out from under the burden, how to manage hardship, matthew 11:28-30, my yoke is easy and my burden is light, take my yoke upon you, what doe s it mean to be heavy laden
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Solving the Mystery of the Human Condition
by Steven Gledhill for FREEdom from MEdom Project What is my problem? Why am I not happy? What does it mean to be happy? Why am I not fulfilled? What does that even mean… to be fulfilled… content… satisfied? What … Continue reading
Anxiety Disorders
Published by NAMI—National Alliance of Mental Health We all experience anxiety. For example, speaking in front of a group can make us anxious, but that anxiety also motivates us to prepare and practice. Driving in heavy traffic is another common … Continue reading
Why Encounters with God Matter: Stories of Profound Life-Changing Experiences
“The stories from these individuals are so powerful. It humbled me and reminded me how blessed we are to serve a God that is in active pursuit of all of us.“ —Paige Pinter-Wilson, Licensed Social Worker by Steven Gledhill for FREEdom … Continue reading
Posted in BELIEVE: Accept and believe that God is in Control
Tagged 2 Corinthians 5:16-17, Acts 9:1-22, encounter, encounter with god, encounter with jesus, Ephesians 3:20, evidence of faith, experience, faith, faith encounter, faith experience, healing, hearing from god, Mark 10:49-52, miracle, Paul blinded by the light, Paul's conversion, Paul's road to Damascus, radical change, relationship with Jesus, suicidal teenage adolescent, supernatural, testimonies, testimony of change, transform, transformation, transformative change, what do you want me to do for you, who touched me, woman of blood, your faith has made you well
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Benzodiazepines and Opioids
Taking opioids in combination with other central nervous system depressants—like benzodiazepines, alcohol, or xylazine—increases the risk of life-threatening overdose.1,2 Learn more about the effects of taking more than one type of drug (polysubstance use) from the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention … Continue reading
“Who Touched Me?” (Life-Changing Encounters with God)
“I was finally able to explore your website last night and read the “Who Touched Me?” article. The stories from these individuals are so powerful. It humbled me and reminded me how blessed we are to serve a God that … Continue reading
Posted in BELIEVE: Accept and believe that God is in Control
Tagged angels, depression, encounter with god, encounter with jesus, evidence of faith, faith, gravitational forces, gravity, healing, jesus heals, miracles, power just left me, spiritual need, suicide, teenage suicide, the presence of god, wind, woman of blood
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If I was Granted Three Wishes
by Steven Gledhill for FREEdom from MEdom Project I have been asked what I would ask if I was granted three wishes. My response is always that I would only need one wish. Then comes the next response, “Why only … Continue reading
Recovering Lost Things (From Fear to Faith)
by Steven Gledhill for FREEdom from MEdom Project As a mental health counselor working mostly with adolescent youth struggling with depression and despair (including suicidal ideation and behavior), my primary objective was to invest in each life through the therapeutic … Continue reading
Is Survival the Only Reward?
by Steven Gledhill for FREEdom from MEdom Project Now all glory to God, who is able, through his mighty power at work within us, to accomplish infinitely more than we might ask or think. Ephesians 3:20 (NLT) Something I did … Continue reading
Sympathetic Savior: The Resurrection of Jesus
by Steven Gledhill for FREEdom from MEdom Project “God raised Jesus from the dead, and we are all witnesses of this.“ Acts 2:32 (NLT) Historians generally agree that a man called Jesus lived his life until around 33 A.D. They … Continue reading
Mustard-Seed Faith: What’s so moving about that mountain, anyway?
by Steven Gledhill for FREEdom from MEdom Project What does it mean to have faith? I mean, faith is a big deal. Can you have lots of faith? Can you too little faith? Do you have enough faith? Can it … Continue reading
This Happened! (An Extraordinary, Unforgettable Encounter)
Note: The story contained in this article is factual, but the names wherein are fictitious to maintain the anonymity of the now 18-year-old girls represented in the telling of their story (told with their permission). The images came from Google … Continue reading
Posted in BELIEVE: Accept and believe that God is in Control
Tagged bipolar disorder, deliverance, depression, divine encounter, divine experience, god encounter, healing, mental illness, miracle, miraculous, psalm 144:30, psychosis, psychotic, supernatural experience, teen depression teenage suicide
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Why So Arrogant?
by Steven Gledhill for FREEdom from MEdom Project So many people living in the United States are declaring that while Donald Trump may be the president, “He’s not my president.” Does one’s dislike for President Trump make him any less … Continue reading
Posted in ADMIT: Accept and admit that my life is out of control, BELIEVE: Accept and believe that God is in Control, COMMIT: Surrender and commit to God since God is in control
Tagged arrogance, atheism, atheist, authority of God, christian theology, Christians are hypocrites, church hypocrisy, evangelicals, hatred for authority, hatred for Christians, hatred for God, hatred for religion, institutional religion, pastors are hypocrites, religious hypocrites, religious studies, theology about God
Prepare Him Room
by Steven Gledhill for FREEdom from MEdom Project What does it really mean that there was no room at the inn for the one that would be born to redeem mankind? The Bible tells us that from the beginning of … Continue reading
The 12 Steps & the Beattitudes Parallel
Step 1 admit Blessed are the poor in spirit, for theirs is the kingdom of heaven. We admitted we were powerless over our addictions and or difficulties and that our lives had become unmanageable. Step 2 believe Blessed are those … Continue reading
Jesus Wept… and Then Some (not your typical funeral)
by Steven Gledhill for FREEdom from MEdom Project Author’s note: This article was written initially as a mini-sermon for my mother-in-law’s funeral. The purpose of this particular message is to sneak a glimpse into the experience of being welcomed into … Continue reading
Is God Necessary? (If God didn’t always exist then what did?)
by Steven Gledhill for FREEdom from MEdom Project Is God necessary to our life experience? Why do we need God? Let’s start with matter of evil and pain. It’s a bit of a mystery to me why God would permit … Continue reading
Why Heaven AND Hell? (If God didn’t always exist then what did?)
by Steven Gledhill for FREEdom from MEdom Project It’s often asked, “How can a sovereign, loving God send anyone to hell? How is that love?” It’s a fair question. What is heaven? What is hell? The essence of giving is … Continue reading
Let There be Light! (If God didn’t always exist then what did?)
by Steven Gledhill for FREEdom from MEdom Project You see, I have no problem with the ‘big bang’ theory of how things came to be. “Let there be light…” Then… BOOM! Something (or someone) instantly, within trillionths of seconds according … Continue reading